Every donation helps Friends of CASA support programs in service to the children served by CASA of Franklin County volunteer GALs.



Cash Donation (by check or credit card):

  • Make your check payable to Friends of CASA of Franklin County, Ohio and mail to the address below.

  • One-time or recurring credit card donations can be made securely online by clicking here.


  • Gifts of securities, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can be transferred directly to Friends

  • Click here for more information. 

IRA Charitable Rollover:

If you are 70-1/2 years of age or older, gifting an IRA offers several benefits including:

  • Avoid taxes on the gifted amount

  • Satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD)

  • Reduce your taxable income

Contact your plan administrator or financial advisor to learn how to transfer from your IRA directly to Friends

Matching Gifts:

Your donation can make even more of a difference if your employer offers a matching gift program.  Check with your supervisor or HR department to learn if the company matches employee donations and to complete any necessary paperwork.

Commemorative/In Memorial Gifts:

You can memorialize or recognize those special persons in your life through a donation made specifically in their honor. If you donate online, please indicate accordingly on the form. If making a donation by check, be sure to include a note indicating whose honor the donation is in tribute of.

Planned Giving:

Contact Friends by email if you would like to speak with a Board member about planned giving.  We would be happy to work with you and your legal and financial advisors to help implement a plan that meets your needs and goals.

About Friends:

Legal Name:  Friends of CASA of Franklin County, Ohio
Address:  7652 Sawmill Rd., No. 154, Dublin, OH 43016
Ph:  614.401.0666
Email:  friendscasafranklincty@gmail.com
Tax ID #:  31-1322198

Click here to download and print the Ways to Give information.


Friends of CASA of Franklin County, Ohio is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization and operates exclusively for the charitable purpose of supporting CASA of Franklin County. Donations are deductible to the extent allowed by the law.